Are you looking for high quality visuals, session plans, pre-made songs, and information about multisensory learning for children? Want to get all of that PLUS 5 pre-approved CMTE credits? Then check out our course: "Make it Multisensory!" We're combining music, movement, and visuals to increase engagement and enhance learning.
“Make it Multisensory!" is a 5-credit course all about incorporating multisensory learning experiences into music therapy sessions. By combining music, movement, visuals and/or props we engage more of the brain, enhancing learning and increasing engagement. In this course we’ll explore how the use of visuals provide structure and predictability which can decrease anxiety and increase participation. We’ll explore adding purposeful movements into sessions that activate, regulate, and organize the brain.
Included in this Course:
- 34 high quality printable visuals
- Two fully organized session plans
- 14 songs with lyrics and chord sheets (where applicable)
- 100 Page PDF
- 2.8 hours of video
- Q&A office hour recording
- PLUS Pre=approved for 5 CBMT credits!
Course Promo: Read the full course description, and read reviews of the course here.
Questions? Reach out to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Make it Multisensory!
The format of this course are mp4 videos streamed from this website, and printable pdf's.